Learning experience in General Medicine postings

 I was posted in General Medicine from 14/4/23 to 13/6/23. During this time, I was lucky to learn alot of theoretical as well as practical skills that I'm sure will help me as my career advances.

Unit duty

I was posted in Unit 3 for a duration of 30 days. During this time, I saw OP, IP and Casualty cases.

IP and Casualty:

Practical skills:

•Insertion of iv cannula 

•Insertion of Ryle's tube

•Insertion of Foleys catheter 

•Procedure to insert central line 

•How to take an ABG sample

•Ascitic tap

•Pleural tap

•2D echo







•Learnt how to begin examination of a patient even as they walk into the OP. For example, saw the high stepping Gait of a patient with foot drop.

• Learnt to understand how exactly to talk to a patient, how to establish a rapport, when to ask the correct questions and how to extract all the details while making the patient feel that he/she is being listened to.  

• Learnt how to come to a provisional diagnosis based on just history and examination 

Peripheral duty 

Nephrology learning points:

•Concept of hemodialysis

•Composition of ultrafiltrate

•Various antihypertensive drugs and their dosage

ICU learning points:

•Working and types of mechanical ventilation

•Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 

•Procedure of intubation 

•Management of cardiac arrest 

Ward learning points:

•Fever chart plotting

•Dawn effect and Somayagi effect 

Psychiatry learning points:

•Mental state examination

•History taking of a patient with depression

•Cognitive behaviour therapy in a young girl with anxiety

• Had an experience of night duty for a patient with delirium. She had an episode at 2 am where she demanded to go home, pulling out her iv cannula and refusing to listen to anyone. Stabilizing her and reacting to the situation was the learning experience.


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