Case discussion on 28 year old Female with headache

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through a series of inputs from an available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective,current,best evidence based inputs.

This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs in the comment box is welcome. 

Short case


Case discussion on 28 year old lady with headache 

The case is of a 28 year old lady, resident of Valbapuram, Nakrekal, a farm labourer by occupation who was brought to casuality with: 

Headache, giddiness and decreased responsiveness for a duration of 6 hours on 8/06/2022 

Timeline of events and History of Presenting illness 

Patient was a farm labourer by occupation

On 3/06/2022 at 4pm, she had an altercation with neighbours due to which her in laws started abusing her.

At 10:00 pm, as she was unable to cope with the situation, she impulsively drank rat poison. It was identified to be Zinc phosphide and she took about 12-14 gm. 

She had 2 episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain and lost consciousness. There was no history of any seizures, shortness of breath, involuntary micturition and defecation. 

She was brought to casuality by her husband. Was treated by giving Fresh frozen plasma transfusion due to deranged Prothrombin Time,APTT and INR. 

Her ABG on 3/6/2022 showed slight acidosis with decreased carbonates. Hence she was managed with Inj of Sodium bicarbonate. 

She was treated conservatively, improved on 4/06/2022 and was relieved by 6/06/2022 on which day she was discharged.

Present illness: 

On 8/06/2022, in the afternoon, at around 12 pm, patient developed a headache. It was incidious in onset, progressive and generalized. It was associated with fever. 

The fever was incidious in onset and progressive. Temperature was not documented but patient reports that it was high grade. No relieving factor. It was not associated with any chills or rigours, vomiting, abdominal pain, loose stools or burning micturition. 

As the day progressed, she had loss of appetite, blurring of vision, difficulty in speech. Her husband reports altered behaviour and decreased responsiveness and brought her to the hospital at around 7 pm. 

She had no history of seizures, shortness of breath, focal neurological deficit. 

Her Glasgow coma score at the time of admission was: 

Eye opening: 4

Verbal: 1

Motor: 6

Past history:

She had no similar complaints in the past. 

No significant past psychiatric history 

Not a known case of Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Asthma, Epilepsy, Coronary artery disease. 

She had 2 Caesarean sections in the past due to no labour pains. No blood transfusions. 

No significant drug history or substance abuse. 

Personal history: 

She takes a mixed diet 

Appetite is reduced 

Bowel and bladder are regular 

Sleep is adequate 

No allergies 

No addictions 

Family history: 

No significant psychiatric illness in the family. 

General Examination: 

Patient is examined in a well lit room after obtaining informed consent. She is conscious, coherent and cooperative, well built and nourished. Supine position

On examination: 

Pallor: Mild

Icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, generalized lymphadenopathy or edema are not observed. 

No clubbing of nails observed
Palmar creases seen

Pale lower palpable conjuctiva

No icterus observed


At the time of admission:

Heart rate: 112 BPM (elevated)

Respiratory rate: 30 cycles per min (elevated)

Blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg 

Temperature: 98.4°F 

SPO2: 96% room air

RBS: 133 mg/dl 

During examination: 

Heart rate: 88 BPM 

Respiratory rate: 20 cycles per min 

Blood pressure: 110/70 mmHg 

Temperature: 96.6°F 

SPO2: 99% room air

RBS: 104 mg/dl 

Systemic Examination: 

Central Nervous System: 

Higher mental functions:

Oriented to time,place,person

Memory : recent, remote intact

Speech: normal, understandable

No delusions or hallucinations

Cranial nerves: 

1- not tested

2- binocular vision: normal

colour vision:normal

3,4,6- No restriction of movement of eye

5-normal( muscles of mastication+sensations of face) No jaw jerk

7-Normal, wrinking of forehead seen, able to blow up cheeks

8- Normal hearing, no nystagmus

9,10,11,12-normal. Gag reflex is normal.

Motor examination:

Bulk: Normal in all 4 limbs

Tone -Normal in all 4 limbs


5/5 in both lowerlimbs 

5/5 in upper limbs

Reflexes :



Supinator 2+

Knee: 3+

Ankle: 2+

Plantars: Flexion response

Biceps reflex

Knee reflex

Ankle reflex

Plantar reflex

Sensory examination:

Crude touch, pain ,temp, fine touch, joint position, proprioception are normal in all dermatomes in upper limbs and lower limbs

Cerebellum examination:

Able to do finger nose test.

No dysdiadokinesia 

No rebound phenomenon

Autonomic Nervous System:

No postural hypotension 

No bladder and bowel incontinence 

No sweating abnormalities 

Meningeal signs:

No meningal signs like Brudzinski or Kernig sign were positive 



Goes to bathroom by herself

Other systems examination:

CVS: S1 S2+ no murmurs heard.

Respiratory system- Bilateral air entry+ ,normal vesicular breath sounds-heard. 

Abdominal: Soft, non tender, no distension, umbilicus is central and inverted,no scars, no sinuses, hernial orifices free.

Provisional diagnosis: 

Headache under evaluation (secondary to Migraine)

K/c/o Zinc phosphide poisoning 



Hemoglobin: 10.9 gm/dL (decreased)

Total Leucocyte Count: 6500/ microlt

Absolute Leucocyte Count:

Neutrophils: 80

Lymphocytes: 10

Eosinophils: 1 

Red Blood Cell count: 4.35 cells/microlt

Platelets: 1.25 lakh/ microlt 

Blood urea: 17 mg/dL 

Serum creatinine: 0.8 mg/dL 

Complete Urine examination:


Albumin: Negative 

Pus cells: 2-3 

Epithelial cells: 2-3 

Serum electrolytes: 

Sodium: 140 mEq/L 

Potassium: 3.9 mEq/L 

Chloride: 101 mEq/L 

Phosphorus: 2.2 gm/dL

Prothrombin time: 16 sec 

Activated thromboplastin time: 31 sec 

INR: 1.11 


MRI showed no abnormality in brain, orbit or paranasal sinuses. 

Psychiatric referral notes: 

Mental status examination:      

General appearance and behaviour:  Patient is lying on bed comfortably, responding to oral commands. 

Speech: Normal in tone, volume and relevance 

Thought: No abnormality detected 

Mood: Pleasant

Affect: Euthymic 

Perception: No abnormality detected

Impression: Impulsive Self harm 

Treatment: Counselling of patient and attenders 


1) Tab Naproxen 250 mg PO/BD 

2) Tab Neurobion Forte PO/BD 

3) Tab Pantop 40 mg PO/OD 

4) Tab Amitriptyline 10 mg PO/SOS 

5) IV fluid NS @ 100 ml/hr 

6) Vitals monitoring 


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